Hydration 101: How much and When To Drink Water.

Hydration 101: How much and When To Drink Water

Our body is made up of 70% fluids and is considered to be highly dependent on water for many of its metabolically active processes.  An average human can only live about 30 hours without water before his internal organs stop their functioning. Thus, in this article we are going to discuss about, the benefits of drinking water and the optimal time for drinking water to maximize results.
Benefits Of Drinking Water:

1.   Healthy Skin: Drinking adequate water daily ensures that we have smooth, radiant and attractive skin tone. As our metabolism speeds up, no metaboical wastes accumulate under our skin and thus gives us a great looking skin tone.

2.   Activeness: Drinking water at regular intervals of time keeps you active as brain gets adequate liquid and oxygen and thus, it will increase your alertness and energy levels. You will be able to power through the day without fatiguing.

3.   Hair Health: Drinking water hugely increase your hair heath and lessens the probability of hair damage, whitening and hair fall. Drinking enough water will make your hair radiant and very good looking.

4.   Reduces Acne: Avid water drinkers usually have acne free skin as the wastes do not accumulate under your facial skin and also prevents many other skin diseases. Washing your face twice a day can also greatly prevent acne. 

5.   Delays Fatigue While Working Out: Often, people exercising or going to the gym are in dehydrated condition before even starting the workout. This can be greatly harmful for the muscles. We sweat during our workout as to maintain optimal temperature inside our body for the workout and thus having enough water post, pre and inter - workout is very important. 

6.   Speeds Up Metabolism: Drinking water hugely speeds up our metabolism ensuring proper utilization of the foods we are eating and also speeds up our fat burning processes, providing us with a great looking physique. Water combined with food is great for our body.

7.   Proper Digestion: Studies have found that people who drink water before and throughout the meals have better digestion than those who do not drink water and also water with meals supresses appetite which doesn’t let us eat more calories than we need.

Optimal Time For Drinking Water:
The time that we are drinking water can play a huge role in our health and fitness.

·       After waking up: As we wake up in the morning, we are dehydrated as we did not have any fluids throughout the night. Drinking water as soon as we wake up will wake up are internal organs, speed up our metabolism and bring the body in a hydrated state bringing the cells of our body in optimal working state.
·       30 minutes before a meal: Drinking water thirty minutes before having a meal speeds up our digestion and allows our body to assimilate the food we eat.
·       Before sleep: Majority of deaths that are caused due to heart attacks take place at night during sleep. Drinking water before sleeping will reduce the risk if high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks.
·       Before working out: Having water before working out will allow us to take maximum benefits from our workout regimen as we will be properly hydrated and will have less muscle breakdown and high fat utilization.

These are the benefits and optimal timings of drinking water and we must learn from it.

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