Never Ever Give Up

                          Don’t Give Up

Image result for never give upFrom this Monday onward I am going to put up an article on motivation every first Monday of the month as motivation is like bath, successful people recommend it daily. This Monday’s article is on persistence or the art of never giving up. We will fight together and reach up for our goals together.

The road to success
One question often asked from successful people is that what different thing they do that they are successful and the majority are not. The common answer is that there is no shortcut or secret to success, it is only hard work, persistence and focus. Persistence is a very important part in the blueprint of successful people and today’s topic is about persistence or not giving up. It is not so that successful people do not face obstacles, failures and resistance but they have faith in themselves and the results are humongous. Thomas Alva Edison failed a 1000 times when inventing the common light bulb, can you believe it? Any person with a sane mind would have given up but he didn’t and his name is among the world’s best inventors of all time. He didn’t give up. The road to success is long and lonely and only those people reach their destination, who never give up. A very famous dialogue from Rocky Balboa is “It doesn’t matters how hard you can hit but how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done.”
This dialogue always pumps me up and should pump you too as well. What matters is how long you can move without giving up. People following transformation programs or the people who are quite fat and enter the gym for the first time have two choices, one to give up or to push through and welcome their best looking self. The path to physically and mentally transforming your body through nutrition, supplementation and workouts is a long and depleting path but every time we have the choice, to give up, keep sleeping, never get up from your bed or get up early, go to the gym and smash your own records. So what are you going to do, huh? Get up and smash your goals make yours and your loved ones life better and become a hero. Be motivated every step of this way and emerge as the leader of your empire.
                            Never Ever Give Up
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