Why Warming Up Is Very Essential For You?

Why warming up before a workout is essential?

Often personal trainers, sports coaches, physiologists and athletes lay emphasis on the importance of warming up before a workout or any other strenuous physical activity. There are many reasons behind it and we must know them, so we know how important it is to workout. So, here we are with 7 reasons on why you should warm up.

   1. Mental and physical preparationImage result for brain warm up

When we warm up before a workout, we focus on the task on hand and we produce energy to complete the task. We know that it is going to make us stronger. Such mind-set enables the brain to send impulses to our body which in turn prepares our body for the intense physical activity.
    2.  Resistance in muscle capillaries reduces:

The capillaries are the blood vessels which provides the nutrients to the muscles and takes away the waste products. Warming up reduces the resistance by widening the walls of the vessels so that more blood is flown through it. More food and oxygen for the muscles is available.
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   3.  Avoids injury:
This is the main and the most important reason behind warming up. It prepares our body both mentally and physically for the intense workout you are going to do.
Muscles have more blood, body temperature is optimized, blood vessels’ walls are widened and the heart rate goes up. Your nervous system is more active.
 Image result for sport injuries
   4.  Increase the speed of nervous system:

Lots of sports require great neuro muscular coordination and speed to excel. Warming up increases the passage of the neural impulses through the neural pathways so that your reaction time is reduced.
Image result for nervous system

   5.  Reduces blood lactic acid:

Lactic acid is the waste product formed after anaerobic exercises. These exercises are performed in the lack of oxygen. As the heart rate increases the walls of the blood capillaries widen, more lactic acid is removed from the blood stream increasing your performance.

   6.  Enhances the cooling efficiency:

Sweating is the most common way our body tries to maintain optimal body temperature. Warming up enables the cooling measures so that the athlete doesn’t overheats during the practice or competition.
  Image result for sweat motivation
   7.  Muscle viscosity decreases:

Studies show that when an inactive muscle is stimulated for the first time, the contractions are irregular and inconsistent. But after warming up the muscles are able to flex and relax very easily.
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So, we all must incorporate a warm up routine in our session or before any intense physical activity.
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